Friday, December 7, 2007

Be Thankful For Whatever You May Have: Health, JOBS, Etc.

My blog has taken many twists and turns. For the past several days I have been just slamming the Bush administration, Congress, and everyone else in between.

This blog has given me a voice, although some people may not agree with everything I say. It has relieved some frustration for me and I hope for others. For that I am thankful.

As we approach Christmas and with my husband still without full-time employment it will be a dismal time for my family. However, that being said I am a person who will persevere no matter what obstacles have been thrown in my way.

My husband and I will never give up hope or stop looking for employment because our child is counting on us and we are not going to let her down.

Even though we won't have Christmas presents this year, I am determined to make my daughter's Christmas a happy one. I have been focusing on maybe just baking a few cookies. Trying to focus on being thankful that I have a family and everyone is healthy.

I write this not for pity, but because this is what this economy has done to many families in the state of Michigan, as well as other places in our country. Yet the government has sat by and done absolutely nothing.

My husband and I are both educated and all we want are jobs that will allow us to survive and support our family. However, that seems to be too much to ask for right now. The job market is terrible and we simply cannot find a job in the state of Michigan.

My husband and I sat down at the kitchen table this morning and are seriously thinking of trying to get work outside of Michigan. We were born here (in Michigan) and so was our daughter, but we need to be able to survive. Leaving Michigan may be our only answer right now.

As scary as that is for us, it's something I think we are coming to terms with. I love Michigan and my heart will always be here, but it just isn't possible to make a living in this state. I know the rest of the country is hard hit too, but with giving other states a possiblity maybe we can make a living again and provide what our child needs.

The whole being without employment leaves you stripped of everything including your pride. No family should have to go through what we have. I hope people who have jobs truly appreciate them.

Again, I am not saying any of this for pity because that is not who I am. Who I am is a fighter and I think we all need to have a little more fight in us to protect what we hold so dear to us -- that is, our families.

The government has allowed Big Business to strip many of us of our homes, our pride, and our jobs. I'm not just mad for my family, but for every family who is going through this type of situation. For this to happen in our country is an outrage and every American family should be mad.

Don't let outside stress turn your family against each other

Whatever you do this holiday give thanks for what you have. Especially if you are fortunate enough to have a job and a roof over your head. Say a prayer for all of us who don't have jobs that we may all find one soon.

All any of us want is a job to allow us to survive and take care of our families. I don't think that is too much to ask for.

This administration and Big Business have allowed jobs to be eliminated from our country. People want jobs that will pay enough to allow us to live and support our families. We also want our pride and dignity that has been stripped away from so many American families. We deserve at least that much. We the people have nothing and those who caused it need to be held accountable!

For others in our situation, don't let your family fall apart. Keep together and be strong. Don't allow a bad situation to ruin your marriage. Because in the end the only people you have that will stand by you is your family. Don't lose sight of that; if you do then they really have stripped us of everything!

Stress and strain can tear a family apart; please don't give anyone or anything that much power!!

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