Monday, February 18, 2008

Don't Complain Too Much; Winter Can Bring Families Together

I may be one of the few people who actually enjoys winter.

Yes, I love a good snow day. When it snows and you are in a nice warm cozy house, there isn't a better feeling in the world. Sitting by the window looking out with a hot cup of coffee or cocoa. What could be more enjoyable.

To allow your child to sleep in and not have to go to school is another thing I enjoy. It's a great feeling when your child wakes up at 8:00 am instead of 6:45 am and comes to you with the realization that there isn't any school today. Yippee!!!

As families we should all enjoy the amount of time we can spend together. It seems like it is always go, go, go, and not enough time to just sit and enjoy each other. The precious time we get to be together and have fun is few and far between.

I love to see my daughter playing in the snow with one of our dogs. Not only does she enjoy it, but the dogs love having her home to run around and play with them.

This week in our area is winter break, which breaks down to 10 wonderful days of being a family, being able to stay up late and wake up whenever you get around to it. This means no homework, no tension and plenty of time to enjoy the time you have together. This gives us all a chance to relax and truly be a family.

With my husband in a new job, a new year upon us and a week to breathe it is something I am already enjoying and it is only Monday.

My daughter and I can spend some much needed mom and kid time together. She can spend time with her dad and also get some one-on-one attention with him. You can feel the tension release and that is good for everyone.

My daughter also gets to spend time with my mom -- or Nana, as we Italians like to call Grandma, which is also good for both of them.

So when your kids get a day off or a week off look at it as an opportunity to spend quality time together. With the crazy world we live in sit back and relax for a change; we all deserve it!

Have a great day!

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