Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stress in Michigan Is Nothing New

Stress here in the Detroit Metro Area has been a way of life for many years. A saying I heard recently: “When the United States gets a cold, Michigan gets the flu.” I have lived in Michigan my whole life, and I believe truer words have never been spoken.

I am very upset with Congress, again. Auto executives yesterday pleaded with them for some kind of financial relief and all they did was put them through the wringer. I didn’t see Congress treat their banker buddies on Wall Street as disrespectfully as they treated the auto executives from Michigan. Yes, of course the Auto Industry is somewhat to blame, but they made the cars that were in demand. Yes, all of America wanted their big SUVs so that is what the auto industry gave them. Now Congress wants to put all the blame on the Big Three. How many members of Congress have or had these big SUVs?

I keep hearing about how great small businesses are. If that’s true, don’t you think by letting the auto industry go under you will affect small businesses across this country? Who do you think supplies many of the parts for the auto industry? The auto industry doesn’t just mean the Detroit Metro Area – it also includes small businesses across the country. The Detroit Metro Area gets a whole lot of beating up by the media, but I’m here to tell you some of the most wonderful down-to-earth people live in this area, and they are decent, hard working people with wonderful families who deserve better.

It seems like anything to help the middle class is taboo in Washington, D.C. Oh sure, help the rich right and left, but middle class and poor people? Forget it, you’re on your own! If you want help to stop a foreclosure on a poor or middle class home, too bad. If you’re rich, start lining up at the front door of Congress because they are handing out all the billions to you guys.

So after the Wall Street bailout, is there anything left for the U.S. auto workers and the millions of people who depend on that industry?

I’m sick of Congress laying most of the blame on the middle class about the financial situation in this country. I’ll tell you who is to blame for this mess. It’s all the wealthy, greedy people in this country. Do you want the truth? I’ll tell you exactly what happened, because it happened to my family and many others. Big business didn’t want to pay the American worker enough to make a comfortable living. They were greedy and wanted more profit to line their own pockets. So what did they do? Out-sourced our jobs and sent them overseas for cheap labor so they could make more money. They raised prices on everything from food to heating your home with deregulations on just about everything. Well, now they have completed their mission. However, who can buy all these products if we (middle class America) don’t have the money to spend? We don’t have jobs. Maybe that’s why the economy is in such a mess. If we the middle class don’t have decent paying jobs and money to spend, who is going to buy all these products? To me this is Economics 101 and Washington needs to go back to school so they can figure all this out. I’ll tell you what will help. GET OUR DECENT PAYING JOBS BACK! The middle class doesn’t want a hand out; we want our jobs and homes back. We want to be able to pay our bills and still have a little money left over. We want to be able to buy food to feed our families without worrying what bill not to pay this month. We want our children to have presents under the Christmas tree. We want to feel like we make a difference in this country, because we do. We want to not have to fight with our spouse because of all the stress. We want to be able to buy clothes and shoes for our children. Our kids want to be able to go to college without a $45,000 debt hanging over their head when they graduate. We want our pride back. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently it is.

Supply and demand: America's thirst for big SUVs like this one prompted the Big 3 to make them at the expense of smaller, more fuel efficient cars

You see, Washington didn’t want to help and acknowledge the problem until it hit their rich banker and Wall Street friends. The stock market drops and all of a sudden we have a financial crisis. Well, we’ve had a financial crisis for years here in America, but they didn’t want to pay attention until it hit them and all their buddies. What did they do? Race to help them while the rest of the country continues to drown. Job well done!

When you don’t help the auto industry you don’t help get our jobs back. The economy won’t get better until the middle class is restored. Why can’t Washington figure this out?

On the front page of the Detroit Free Press today it says, “Congress Ready to Sink Bailout” and “Anxiety Is the New Normal”. Need I say more?

I have hope, however, with all of the above now that President-elect Barack Obama won, and I, like millions of Americans, can’t wait until the day he takes office. I am also happy about a new Congress who will also take charge in January. I know things won’t get better overnight, but I know they will get better eventually.

On that note I wish you a good day, and a bright and happy future!

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