Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Let Dinner Table Be Heart Of Your Family's Togetherness

As I was sitting here trying to think of what to write, for some reason my grandmother (on my mother's side) popped into my head. I started thinking about her and the rest of my family. I truly think I was lucky to be born into the family that I was.

I have so many fond memories. My grandmother's name was Julia, or Julie as everyone called her. She had such a sense of humor and was so fun to be around. My grandfather was Carl. He was a typical Italian man. He was born in Italy. My grandmother was Italian, but born here in the U.S.

It's funny but these two people were so different. He was of the old country and she was very Americanized. About the only thing I could see that these two had in common was an Italian background. However, I couldn't have been more wrong.

They raised seven children together, and lost one baby boy to pneumonia. They were married until the day my grandfather passed away in 1988. I saw them go through many things over the years; their love had to be very strong. Especially having three of their sons pass away over the course of their lives.

I think this is where a lot of my strength and family values come from. The most important thing we have is our families. That remains the reason I do all the things I do. Like most people some days I just don't want to cook, but I push myself. Mainly it's because I believe the dinner table is the only place during the course of the week that we are all at at the same time.

Meal time is the time where we can talk about our day. This is usually the only time during the day and the evening we say a prayer together and we do it before we eat our evening meal. I know religion and God is something people don't like to talk about today, but to me that's where the heart of my family is and where I get my strength.

This isn't my family, but the scene depicted was typical when I was a child and teenager

Faith is something you can't see, feel or touch, but in my heart I know that it has gotten me through some of the hardest trials in my life. Faith and a sense of family values I believe are the most important foundation we can have in our lives.

Even if you don't believe in God, I think your family is what gets you through some of the most difficult times. I just happen personally to believe in God. I don't believe I was born to the family I was by accident. I think there was a plan.

My memories of my grandparents and their quiet strength will continue to touch me throughout my life. Even though they aren't here with me any longer I feel them every day and they live through me. My memories can never be taken from me and my grandparents, dad and uncles will never die as long as they remain in my heart.

I will never forget the laughter, food and the smell of coffee coming from my grandmother's kitchen. The heart of our family was truly the kitchen. I still believe it is to this day. At the core of that heart is a faith in God and family.

So remember, even if you're exhausted at the end of the day, push yourself a little and make sure you cook for your family. Even if it's something simple. It will create memories and love. Isn't that worth a little more effort?

My husband Greg, daughter Nikki (and Scamp) creating new memories -- in the kitchen, naturally!

The heart of every family I believe comes from you and your kitchen. Please take the time to create lasting memories for your family. It's one way to say, "I love and appreciate you!" The people in your family are the most important people you will have in your life. Please make sure they know. Nothing replaces love and memories.

That's the reason I try to cook everyday. I believe that the heart of my family lies within me. It's up to me to create lasting memories that my family will carry throughout their lives. The smell every night from my kitchen and sitting together as a family at the dinner table is one way I am making memories for my family.

A house is made of walls and beams, a home is built with love and dreams. Try to make memories for your family. The best way to let people know you love them is to show them. One way is a warm meal and family time at the dinner table. Give it a try!

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