I felt so bad for Melissa. My heart absolutely broke for her. If this was actually true, I hope Melissa finds true happiness because she deserves it.
I find this so ironic that the guy who was so afraid of being hurt could actually hurt someone else so deeply. Especially knowing how much Melissa has been hurt in the past. I remember how Jason's brother was so verbal about not wanting Jason hurt. Yet Jason turns around and does the same thing to poor Melissa. How ironic!
Actually Melissa is better off without this guy, and though she may not realize it he did her a huge favor.
Jason through this whole process kept mentioning his son, Ty. However, what kind of example does this set for this little boy? Jason didn't think about Ty nor Melissa -- just himself and "following his heart". I'm sure Melissa and Ty during the last several months had formed some kind of bond. He not only hurt Melissa, but also hurt his son. This is a very selfish person who thinks of nothing but himself. He acts like such a great father, but in reality he is no such thing. He didn't even try to work on the relationship with Melissa. The message he sent his son is that nothing is worth fighting for; just follow your heart and your head. What kind of example is that?

"The Bachelor", Jason Mesnick, and son Ty; what sort of lesson is being taught to the little guy?
Well, if Molly thinks he won't hurt her she is mistaken. Men like this are just interested in the flavor of the month. The "grass is always greener" syndrome. Certainly he is no one you would consider having a long term relationship with.
Melissa showed a lot of class and she can hold her head up high. The man who gets her is a very lucky guy. She is not only pretty outside, but also inside. I hope this whole experience doesn't change her. Because not all guys are like this and it's worth the wait for the right man. Jason is not a man he is a boy and needs to grow up. To do what he did to her on national television was inexcusable and nothing a real man would ever do.
So go ahead Jason -- follow your heart and head. You will fail every time. If you think that a successful realtionship isn't constant work you are fooling no one but yourself. As someone who has been married to the same man for 17 years, I can honestly say we have worked every day to keep our relationship going. It isn't easy and if you aren't committed to the other person it will never work. No, you aren't happy all the time. You have peaks and valleys, but you endure and work. Why do you work on the relationship? Because not only does it affect you, but it affects others. If there are children involved it's even more important to work and fight to have a successful relationship. Because the peaks are worth more than the valleys! Are you happy all the time? Absolutely not. Is it worth fighting for? Absolutely!
The lesson here is that anything worth having is worth fighting for.