Thursday, February 19, 2009

Old Standby Noxzema Still A Cost Efficient Way To Having Great-Looking Skin

With an enconomy that continues to be terrible, I keep trying to find new ways to save money and cut corners.

I am 47 now, a mother of a teenager and married to the same man for almost 17 years. I have never been one during the course of our marriage to spend too much money, but now I have even cut back more.

I hope my husband appreciates this about me. I don't believe I am cheap, but I try to stretch our money as far as I possibly can.

I used to use facial products, eye creams, etc. If you're like me, you know these products can run into a lot of money. Well, I obviously ran out of these products and I refuse to spend anywhere near the amount of money these products can cost today. However, being a woman, wife and mother, I want to feel good about myself. After 17 years of marriage I still want my husband to be attracted to me. I also want my daughter to think her mother looks younger than her age.

Now how do you do this on a tight budget without breaking the bank? I found the perfect product and it has been around for ages. Now I bought this product and as far as I know it's made in the USA. It's distributed by Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio.

What is this product you ask? Good ole Noxzema. I have been using this every morning when I wake up and every evening before I go to bed. It is refreshing and the best part is that it only cost me $3.99 for a 14 oz. jar. I've been using Noxzema daily since last October and have found no difference in my skin whatsoever. In fact, I may like Noxzema more than the other products I have tried over the years.

My skin looks and feels good. My budget is in tact. I can still feel good about myself. Now I feel even better because it's saving my family the precious money we need so badly in these hard economic times. We've had one of the worst winters in Michigan in a long time and it isn't over yet. However, my skin looked great through it all!

If there is any silver lining to this economy it's that we have all learned to appreciate the small things in life. The other thing I have learned is that my family and I are a tough bunch. Over the last couple of years I have learned to cut costs and this is one area where I have made a significant cost cut. However, I am happy with the product and the results, and that is the most valuable and important part.

I am going to dedicate my next few blogs to products that can make a woman feel good about herself without breaking the budget. Especially now, we need to do things that make us feel good about ourselves. If we feel good about ourselves it can only help our family. I have done that without the expense of products that I really don't need.

Most of us have familes to feed and children to put through college. However, taking care of your skin for pennies a day won't make you feel guility. On top of that maybe I and others like me can help keep someone in Ohio from losing their job at Procter and Gamble. I hope so!

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