Saturday, February 21, 2009

Those Old Standbys, The Coupons, Still The Best Way To Save Money

Let's face it: the economy isn't getting better fast enough for most Americans. Even though the Stimulus Bill passed, it's going to take a while for us to see results. In the meantime, most of us have to find ways to get through.

One of the ways I have found to get more "bang for the buck" is coupons. I've always clipped coupons, but even more so now. You have to be careful, however, and make sure the coupon is really the best deal. Stores have their own products, so be a little flexible and make sure to take advantage of the best deal possible. I've noticed no difference in taste or quality, for instance, in a Meijer-brand product versus a name brand product.

Every week in the mail I receive flyers from five to six different grocery stores. Try to take time and go through these and see where you can find the best deal. Sometimes it's worth it. You may find several things on sale to make it worth a trip. If you have a coupon PLUS the sale price, you can really save quite a bit of money.

Another way to save money is with coupons online. Almost everyone has a website now so before you make a trip or go out to dinner check the websites for coupons or special offers. You will be surprised what you can find out there.

You can even find coupons in junk mail. So make sure to go through your mail carefully; you may be throwing out money!

I receive most of my coupons in my Saturday newspaper. I go through and clip them right away. Don't be ashamed to go out and buy two or three more papers if there are a lot of good coupons. You can save even more money. You'll also be doing a good thing for your local newspaper. Let's try to keep all the American jobs we can. Especially now that newspapers are having such a hard time too.

One more way to save money is discount cards. Make sure you have them where you need them. Even the movie theaters have discount cards. Every time you go to a movie give them the card and you get points. They give you things such as a free popcorn, soda, or even a free movie pass. Discount cards are free and it pays to ask if you don't know. I have a card for our movie theater and have already gotten free popcorn by only using it twice.

There are hundreds of coupons in circulation. Make sure you take advantage of every one you can. Everyone has to do what they can to get by and clipping coupons is still the best way to make your dollar stretch.

One thing you must remember, however, is to check the dates on these coupons. Make sure they haven't run out. What I do every week after I clip my new coupons is to go through the old ones. Pitch out the ones that have expired. I keep them in order of date so the oldest ones are on top. You can figure out your own system and what works best for you.

Have a great weekend and start clipping those coupons!

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