Sunday, November 25, 2007

Good Communication With Your Kids Includes Talking About Scary Things -- Like The News

I'm one of those people who watches the news on a regular basis. I like to keep up with what is going on in the world.

I love to watch CNN, and Lou Dobbs happens to be one of my favorites. Anderson Cooper and his show "360" is also one I like to tune into on a daily basis. I suppose I watch both of them because I usually agree with what they're saying. As stressed as I can get, I really don't need to watch people I disagree with.

Which is probably why I don't like to watch Fox News. They're usually saying things I don't agree with and have guests such as Ann Coulter, who I won't even bother to watch. If I see her I can't change the channel fast enough. Bill O'Reilly is another show I just simply can't and won't watch. Now this is just my opinion.

This entry isn't to bash Fox and promote CNN. I just think it's good to know what's going on in the world. If you like Fox more than CNN by all means watch it, but even if you're a homemaker you should keep up with current events.

I think it keeps your mind alert. Even though the news is depressing at times and very sensationalistic, it makes you feel smarter and informed. Especially if you're at home a lot.

My daughter Nicole, now 14, is very interested in what is happening in the world. She comes home after school and talks about current events. Nicole's social studies teacher happens to talk about current events in class quite often. My daughter thinks her teacher is wonderful and she is so interested in his class.

As violent as the news can be my daughter seems to be able to handle it. I attribute this to her having a safe haven to come home to. You can't hide the violence from your kids no matter how hard you try.

Several months back we had a case in Michigan where a wife and mother went missing. Her name was Tara Grant. It was just a horrific crime. As usual the husband claimed he had nothing to do with her disappearance. He of course later confessed to killing her.

Tara Grant (above), whose husband, Steven (below), confessed to killing

Now we have a current case which is Stacy Peterson. Another wife and mother missing. This time from the state of Illinois. Again, the husband is claiming he has nothing to do with her disappearance. We'll see; however, I highly doubt it. Most mothers just don't leave their children.

How about the highly publicized Laci Peterson case? Again, another husband claiming he had nothing to do with his wife's disappearance. Not only did this monster kill his wife, but also his unborn baby. Unless you live in a cave you've heard about this case, and so have your children.

I think it's important as a parent to be able to talk to your kids about current events. They talk about them in school, and we need them to be well informed.

No, you can't make sense of these types of murder cases. Thankfully most of us, not even in our wildest dreams, could ever hurt another human being let alone someone we are supposed to love.

How do you explain this type of violent crime to your kids? You can't. However, you can sit down and talk to them about it. Especially if they bring up the subject, which my daughter has done on numerous occasions.

We live in a very violent society. However, it's up to us to make our children feel safe. Talking about it is one way to make them feel better.

These monsters that kill their wives not only affect their children and family, but they affect all of us. Let's take back some of the power that these monsters have taken away from all of us! Especially the innocence of our children, of which they've robbed some.

By talking about it with your children it will relieve some of the fright they may be feeling. It's important to let our kids know that they can talk to us, even about the most unspeakable things.

Maybe we don't have the answers as to why these terrible things occur. If we talk about them it may prevent it from happening in the future. Let's teach our kids that violence is not the answer. Because chances are, they've heard about it, and not talking about it won't make it go away.

By talking about these types of terrible crimes and current events with our children it may prevent it from happening in the future. One way is to make sure they feel safe and secure at home. When you talk to your kids you get to know them better. The only way to be able to talk to your kids about these types of crimes is for you to know what is going on yourself. Maybe if some of these monsters had a person to talk to they would have thought twice before doing what they did.

Hopefully by talking to our children it will prevent future violence. If we do our job as parents, maybe in some small way these poor people haven't died in vain.

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