Thursday, October 25, 2007

One More Worry: The Food We Eat

Like a lot of people right now I am fed up with our government. It seems like everything in our country has gone south.

I am one of many moms trying to do what is best for her family and that includes giving them healthy and nutritious foods to eat.

However, how can I do that when every time I turn around you hear some kind of food recall? It scares me and you just don't know what to feed your family.

I was at a local produce store yesterday and my mom came with me. I was looking at fresh spinach and she suggested I'd better not buy it, just in case. This is something I go through every time I go into a grocery store now, whether my mom is there to remind me or not!

When my daughter was sick the other day the first thing that came to mind was, what did I feed her? The guilt began to build and the anxiety started. Unfortunately for us in this country we have to eat. If we eat we can get sick and if we don't eat we can get sick. What can you do?

The only sick I am right now as I type this is sick and tired. I'm sick and tired that our food prices keep increasing. I am sick and tired of our food not being safe. I am sick and tired of our government, who is supposed to protect us, allowing this to happen in this country. I am sick and tired of the FDA and their excuses. Just to mention a few.

To top it all off I just found out on television the other day that the FDA just received pay increases. It sure must be nice to not do your job and yet you still get an increase in pay. My poor husband is without full time employment right now, and yet these goofballs get a raise. Do I sound bitter? You bet I am!

What we need to do is clean house in the government from top to bottom. I have never been so disgusted in our country in my life. My dad fought in WWII for this country, and he would be shocked if he could see what is happening today.

Instead of all these rich people running our government they need an everyday person. One who has lived a real life and done without things. These people in our government have so much money they have no idea what it is to struggle from day to day. How can you have sympathy for anyone else if you've lived a privileged life? You can't!

The people in this country need to get mad and vote all these idiots out of office. No one in this country should have to worry about what they feed their children. If I hear about one more recall I think I will scream.

I love the idea of dinner at the family table -- if the family table doesn't end up killing you, or making you very sick!

The funny thing is, it isn't just our food supply -- now it's lead paint in our children's toys that we also have to be worried about. Christmas is coming and you can't even feel good about giving your kids a toy. The other day I also heard about lead paint being in lipstick. It all sounds like a bad Stephen King novel.

Our government is taking care of the whole world, but not taking care of its own people. This has to to stop!

People need to get mad and write their representatives and let them know this is completely unacceptable. If they don't get the message now make sure they get the message November 2008!

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