Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tired of Today's Network Programming? Pick Up A Game

When I was growing up television shows used to be geared toward more family programming.

I used to love Saturday nights and the lineup on television. I remember watching The Bob Newhart Show and Mary Tyler Moore with my parents. My mom and dad would order pizza or some other fun thing to eat. Sometimes we would even make homemade pizza or bake fresh bread. It was our time together as a family. The shows back in the 1970s were funny and entertaining and something you could watch with the whole family.

The shows today aren't geared toward families. Nothing makes you laugh and it seems like the networks aren't even interested in family programming. All I see is violence and a whole lot of blood and guts.

"Umm, TV networks? Where are all the shows like mine, today?"

Is it any wonder why we have a breakdown of the family? Nothing is geared toward families today. You would think that there would be a market for some type of family entertainment.

If you have a family, most likely you are home on Saturday evenings. Most families can't afford to take the kids to the movies. It is just too expensive. What can you do?

What we have started is family game night. We turn off the television and pick some games to play. Our daughter loves Scrabble. It's something we do together and it is educational as well. It also gives us time to talk and laugh together.

What I do is make a special snack. Last week I made fresh veggies and dip and we snacked and played games. I try to make it special by making some sort of treat. One time we made S'mores together. It's fun and brings you closer with your kids.

Scrabble: Fun, easy family time that's also educational

What you can also do is have your kids pick a special treat they like, and all make it together. If you make things special and fun children usually love to get involved. I really do believe that children love family time and need it on a regular basis.

So here's a note to the networks. If you can't make programming for families, at least on Saturday night, then you get turned off. We can all have our own Saturday night lineup with our families. It will bring everyone closer.

So turn off the television on Saturday night and give it a try. I think you will be amazed how much your family will enjoy being together without television.

Have fun!!!

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