Friday, October 19, 2007

Today's Packaging: Overkill -- and Sadistic

One of my pet peeves for some time now has been packaging. The companies of these products are completely out of their minds.

Why is everything impossible to open? Is this really necessary?

I know one reason is to prevent people from stealing the product inside. However, you would think that the cost of the overpackaging they do would cost more than the people who would steal these products.

This happened to me yesterday. My husband and I picked up our daughter from school, and on the way home we stopped for gas. Our daughter asked if she could have some beef jerky. Of course we said yes. That was our first mistake.

My husband came out with one of these packages with a single piece of jerky in it. He hands it to our daughter, and I watch impatiently as she tries as hard as she can to open this package. Finally she looks at me, and now I'm trying to open it. My husband gets into the car after putting gas in the tank, and we hand it to him. Finally, five minutes and three people later, we get it open. Was it worth all the fuss? I don't think so.

YOU try to open this stuff!

This isn't just with food products, it's with almost every single thing you buy. Are you supposed to carry scissors with you wherever you go just to be able to open things?

Take CDs for instance. Now here's a good time if you like high blood pressure. First they put this cellophane stuff on it you can't remove without a pair of scissors. If that isn't enough, they put this industrial strength tape around the entire case that Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn't possibly remove, even on a good day. The search begins now for a pair of scissors. Again, 10 minutes later and minus one or two fingers, you finally get the CD out of the package. It's enough to drive you crazy.

Have you ever tried to get a Barbie Doll out of the package nowadays? Every single thing is sewn into the back of the box, including the doll's hair. I mean it is actually SEWN into the back panel of the box with a sewing machine. Get out the scissors again and lose a couple more fingers trying to get the hair off the back panel so as not to cut the hair. It's almost impossible.

What are these companies thinking about? They save a few bucks and we lose our fingers. I am not kidding when I say this. I have actually cut myself trying to remove products from packages that should be very simple.

Christmas morning is always fun. Trying to remove everything takes all day. The kids become impatient and a happy occasion becomes a stressful situation for not only the child, but the parent. Children want to play with their new toys right away.

Then there's the video game packaging, not unlike the CDs. They are virtually impossible to open without drawing blood.

What about those poor people with arthritis? How do they open anything?

Now there are only two products I can think of that you can remove from their packages without much effort and those are eggs and light bulbs. Other than that nothing else comes to mind.

Maybe someone should whisper into these companies' ears that they really can't be saving money in the long run. Nothing comes cheap today and I'm sure all this overpackaging is not saving them any money. Then again maybe it's because the cost always gets passed down to the consumer.

Just to let you know, THIS consumer doesn't buy certain products because of the packaging. For instance, that jerky we bought yesterday? I made sure I remembered the name of that brand so I'll never buy it again. Maybe if more people did this the manufacturers would get the message. Hit them in the pocketbook! That's the only way they will understand!

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